About the seller
Name of seller: TAMURA-SHIPPO
Representative: Tamura Takemasa
Address: 610 Santanda, Tojima, Shippo-cho, Ama-shi, Aichi 497-0002, Japan
Please contact us using the inquiry form or this e-mail address (tamura@tamura-shippo.com).
Selling price
Price varies for each product. The price will be displayed on the screen during the purchase process, along with the consumption tax.
Fees other than product prices
For domestic orders, a flat rate of 1,000 yen will be charged. For international shipments, shipping charges will vary depending on the region.
Payment Methods
We accept one of the following payment methods. We accept various credit card payments, bank transfers, smartphone payments, and other payment methods.
Product shipping method
Products will be delivered by courier service. Since each piece is handmade, please allow extra time for delivery. Please contact us if you are in a hurry.
Returns and Cancellations
If the item is defective, please contact us using the Contact Us form. Please understand that we basically do not accept returns unless the item is defective.